Submitting a Syntax File for Analysis
This description assumes that you have opened a syntax file.  If you have not done that then do so.  If you need help opening a syntax file then go to the section 
Your SPSS window should look something like the following.

There are two methods of submitting or running the SPSS programs.

1.  Submitting selected commands within the Syntax File

To run the program, the text within the Window must be "selected." That is done by placing the cursor in the upper left hand corner of the Window, just before the first word of the file and pressing the left hand mouse button (holding it down) and pulling the cursor to the bottom of the Window. This will result in the background becoming dark and the foreground becoming light. Then click on the right delta as indicated in the next graphic.

Click on the button as indicated by the arrow in the above figure.

If an error occurs in the run it will need to be corrected. The problem could be with the data or with the Job Stream. If the Job Stream (Syntax File) needs to be altered it is accessed by clicking on the Syntax window containing the Job Stream and it will appear for editing. After it is corrected the new version will need to be saved. Since it is assumed that the file has been previously saved, it is saved in the following manner:
1. Click on the Syntax to select it (if it is not already selected)
2. Click on "File"
3. Click on "Save"
If the error resulted because of an error in the data file it can be accessed by clicking on the window containing the data. If an alteration is made in the data file, the needs to be re-saved. Since it is assumed that the file has been previously saved, it is saved in the following manner:
1. Click on the Data file window to select it (if it is not already selected)
2. Click on "File"
3. Click on "Save Data"
When the analysis completes correctly, the output can be observed in the Output Window. It can also be printed from the Output Window. The output may be printed in the following manner:
1. Click on the Output window (if it is not already selected)
2. Click on "File"
3. Click on "Print"
4. Click on "OK"

The second method of submitting the Syntax file is to click on Run as indicated in the next graphic


A pull-down window will appear as in the next graphic. Click All as indicated.